Information in this section is from the 2003 Golden Alga Workshop and was current at that time. Please see the main Golden Alga page and Current Bloom Status for up-to-date information.
Golden Alga Workshop
October 24-25, 2003 – Fort Worth, Texas

Photo: Dr. John La Claire, UT Austin
The Golden Alga Workshop was organized to bring together stakeholders and regional, national, and international experts to discuss the state of knowledge on this toxic alga, the information lacking for understanding the alga, and important actions or projects needed to develop management options for this alga. This information will be used by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department in decisions for implementing and funding projects to develop management strategies for Texas. The TPWD Golden Alga Task Force developed, organized, and coordinated the workshop, with Group Solutions, Inc. serving as facilitator.
Golden Alga Workshop Report (PDF 27.4 MB)
List of Attendees (PDF 34.8 KB)
This project was partially funded through federal State Wildlife Grant number
T-14-P and through support from the federal Sport Fish Restoration program. Additional funding and services were provided by th Brazos River Authority, Lower Colorado River Authority,
and Texas Chapter of
the American Fisheries Society.