The Vegetation Types of Texas
Barrier Island
- (43) Marsh / Barrier Island (Fresh Marsh)
- (43) Marsh / Barrier Island (Brackish Marsh)
- (43) Marsh / Barrier Island (Saline Marsh)
- (43) Marsh / Barrier Island (Sea Oats-Seacoast Bluestem Grassland)
(43) Marsh / Barrier Island
Subtype 1: Maidencane-Alligator Weed (fresh) Marsh
Associated Plants: Water hyacinth, cattail,
water-pennywort, pickerelweed,
arrowhead, white waterlily,
cabomba, coontail, duckweed.
Distribution: Hydric lowlands
landward of brackish marsh,
Coastal Prairies and Marshes.
(43) Marsh / Barrier Island
Subtype 2: Marshay Cordgrass-Olneyi Three-Square-Leafy Three-Square (brackish) Marsh
Associated Plants: Big cordgrass, widgeongrass,
California bulrush, seashore
paspalum, sacahuista, common
Distribution: Generally
landward of normal tidelands
to storm tide, Coastal Prairies
and Marshes.
(43) Marsh / Barrier Island
Subtype 3: Smooth Cordgrass-Marsh Saltgrass-Sea Ox-eye (saline) Marsh
Associated Plants: Black rush, vidrillos, black
mangrove, glasswort, seashore
paspalum, shoalgrass.
Distribution: Tidally-inundated
shores of bays, Gulf Coast.
(43) Marsh / Barrier Island
Subtype 4: Seaoats-Seacoast Bluestem Grassland
Associated Plants: Croton, single-spike paspalum,
Pan American balsamscale,
flat sedge, sea purslane,
cenicilla, bulrush, beach
morningglory, goatfoot morningglory,
sea rocket, lime pricklyash.
Distribution: Sandy coastal
barrier islands from high
tide mark to leeward marshes.
Copies of the Vegetation Types of Texas maps are available for PDF download in the sizes indicated.