The Vegetation Types of Texas
- (1) Tobosa-Black Grama Grassland
- (2) Blue Grama-Buffalograss Grassland
- (3) Bluestem Grassland
- (4) Silver Bluestem-Texas Wintergrass Grassland
- (11a) Mesquite Shrub / Grassland
- (30b) Post Oak Woods, Forest and Grassland Mosaic
- (41) Young Forest / Grassland
- (45) Other Native or Introduced Grasses
- (43) Marsh / Barrier Island Bluestem Grassland
(1) Tobosa-Black Grama Grassland
Associated Plants: Blue grama, sideoats grama,
hairy grama, burrograss,
bush muhly, Arizona cottontop,
javelina bush, creosote
bush, butterflybush, palmella,
whitethorn acacia, cholla,
broom snakeweed, rough menodora.
Distribution: Principally
in low-lying plains in Jeff
Davis, Presidio, Brewster,
Culberson and Hudspeth Counties
in the Trans-Pecos.
(2) Blue Grama-Buffalograss Grassland
Associated Plants: Sideoats grama, hairy grama,
sand dropseed, cholla, grassland
pricklypear, narrowleaf
yucca, western ragweed,
broom snakeweed, zinnia,
rushpea, scurfpea, catclaw
sensitive briar, wild buckwheat,
Distribution: Principally
in the northwestern High
(3) Bluestem Grassland
Associated Plants: Bushy bluestem, slender
bluestem, little bluestem,
silver bluestem, three-awn,
buffalograss, bermudagrass,
brownseed paspalum, single-spike
paspalum, smutgrass, sacahuista,
windmillgrass, southern
dewberry, live oak, mesquite,
huisache, baccharis, Macartney
Distribution: Evident over
much of the Gulf Prairies
and Marshes; particularly
manifest in the grassland
area of Goliad, Victoria
and Refugio Counties and
between Refugio and Victoria.
(4) Silver Bluestem-Texas Wintergrass Grassland
Associated Plants: Little bluestem, sideoats
grama, Texas grama, three-awn,
hairy grama, tall dropseed,
buffalograss, windmillgrass,
hairy tridens, tumblegrass,
western ragweed, broom snakeweed,
Texas bluebonnet, live oak,
post oak, mesquite.
Distribution: Primarily
in the Cross Timbers and
(11a) Mesquite Shrub / Grassland
Associated Plants: Narrow-leaf yucca, tasajillo,
juniper, grassland pricklypear,
cholla, blue grama, hairy
grama, purple three-awn,
Roemer three-awn, buffalograss,
little bluestem, western
wheatgrass, Indiangrass,
switchgrass, James rushpea,
scurfpea, lemon scurfpea,
sandlily, plains beebalm,
scarlet gaura, yellow evening
primrose, sandsage, wild
Distribution: High Plains,
Rolling Plains and northwestern
Edwards Plateau.
(30a) Post Oak Parks / Woods
(30b) Post Oak Woods, Forest and Grassland Mosaic
(30c) Post Oak Woods / Forest
Associated Plants (Post Oak Savannah): Blackjack
oak, eastern redcedar, mesquite,
black hickory, live oak,
sandjack oak, cedar elm,
hackberry, yaupon, poison
oak, American beautyberry,
hawthorn, supplejack, trumpet
creeper, dewberry, coral-berry,
little bluestem, silver
bluestem, sand lovegrass,
beaked panicum, three-awn,
spranglegrass, tickclover.
Distribution: Most apparent
on the sandy soils of the
Post Oak Savannah.
(41) Young Forest / Grassland
Associated Plants: Various combinations and
age classes of pine and
regrowth southern red oak,
sweetgum, post oak, white
oak, black hickory, blackgum,
elm, hackberry, and water
oak resulting from recent
harvesting of pine or pine-hardwood
forest and subsequent establishment
of young pine plantation
or young pine-hardwood forest.
Shrubs include hawthorn,
poison oak, sumac, holly,
wax myrtle, blueberry, blackberry,
and red bay. This type may
also portray grasslands
resulting from clearing
of forests.
Distribution: Pineywoods.
(45) Other Native or Introduced Grasses
Associated Plants: Mixed native or introduced
grasses and forbs on grassland
sites or mixed herbaceous
communities resulting from
the clearing of woody vegetation.
This type is associated
with the clearing of forests
in northeast and east-central
Texas and may portray early
stages of Type 41, Young
Forest. Also occurs in the
South Texas Plains where
brush has been cleared.
Such areas are particularly
subject to change due to
regrowth brush.
Distribution: Principally
northeast, east-central
and south Texas.
(43) Marsh / Barrier Island, Subtype 4: Seaoats-Seacoast Bluestem / Grassland
Associated Plants: Croton, single-spike paspalum,
Pan American balsamscale,
flat sedge, sea purslane,
cenicilla, bulrush, beach
morningglory, goatfoot morningglory,
sea rocket, lime pricklyash.
Distribution: Sandy coastal
barrier islands from high
tide mark to leeward marshes.