The Vegetation Types of Texas
Index of Vegetation
(The numbers in parentheses refer to the numbers on the original map key. These help to identify the different vegetation types.)
- (1) Tobosa-Black Grama Grassland
- (2) Blue Grama-Buffalograss Grassland
- (3) Bluestem Grassland
- (4) Silver Bluestem-Texas Wintergrass Grassland
- (5) Yucca-Ocotillo Shrub
- (6) Creosotebush-Tarbush Shrub
- (7) Creosotebush-Lechugilla Shrub
- (8) Creosotebush-Mesquite Shrub
- (9) Fourwing Saltbush-Creosotebush Shrub
- (10) Ceniza-Blackbrush-Creosotebush Brush
- (11a) Mesquite Shrub / Grassland
- (11b) Mesquite Brush
- (12a) Mesquite-Lotebush Shrub
- (12b) Mesquite-Lotebush Brush
- (13a) Mesquite-Juniper Shrub
- (13b) Mesquite-Juniper Brush
- (13c) Mesquite-Juniper-Live Oak Brush
- (14) Mesquite-Sandsage Shrub
- (15) Mesquite-Blackbrush Brush
- (16) Mesquite-Granjeno Parks
- (17) Mesquite-Granjeno Woods
- (18) Mesquite-Saltcedar Brush / Woods
- (19) Mesquite-Hackberry Brush / Woods
- (20) Mesquite-Live Oak-Bluewood Parks
- (21) Havard Shin Oak-Mesquite Brush
- (22) Sandsage-Mesquite Brush
- (23) Oak-Mesquite-Juniper Parks / Woods
- (24) Live Oak-Mesquite Parks
- (25) Live Oak Woods / Parks
- (26a) Live Oak-Ashe Juniper Parks
- (26b) Live Oak-Mesquite-Ashe Juniper Parks
- (27) Live Oak-Ashe Juniper Woods
- (28) Havard Shin Oak Brush
- (29) Gray Oak-Pinyon Pine-Alligator Juniper Parks / Woods
- (30a) Post Oak Parks / Woods
- (30b) Post Oak Woods, Forest and Grassland Mosaic
- (30c) Post Oak Woods / Forest
- (31) Willow Oak-Water Oak-Blackgum Forest
- (32) Sandsage-Havard Shin Oak Brush
- (33) Ashe Juniper Parks / Woods
- (34) Juniper-Mixed Brush
- (35) Elm-Hackberry Parks / Woods
- (36) Water Oak-Elm-Hackberry Forest
- (37) Cottonwood-Hackberry-Saltcedar Brush / Woods
- (38) Pecan-Elm Forest
- (39) Bald Cypress-Water Tupelo Swamp
- (40) Ponderosa Pine-Douglas Fir Parks / Forest
- (41) Young Forest / Grassland
- (42) Pine-Hardwood Forest (Loblolly Pine-Sweetgum)
- (42) Pine-Hardwood Forest (Shortleaf Pine-Post Oak-Southern Red Oak)
- (42) Pine-Hardwood Forest (Loblolly Pine-Post Oak)
- (42) Pine-Hardwood Forest (Longleaf Pine-Sandjack Oak)
- (43) Marsh / Barrier Island (Fresh Marsh)
- (43) Marsh / Barrier Island (Brackish Marsh)
- (43) Marsh / Barrier Island (Saline Marsh)
- (43) Marsh / Barrier Island (Sea Oats-Seacoast / Bluestem Grassland)
- (44) Crops
- (45) Other Native or Introduced Grasses
Additional Information
Copies of the Vegetation Types of Texas maps are available for PDF download in the sizes indicated.