The Vegetation Types of Texas
- (10) Ceniza-Blackbrush-Creosotebush Brush
- (11b) Mesquite Brush
- (12b) Mesquite-Lotebush Brush
- (12a) Mesquite-Lotebush Shrub
- (13b) Mesquite-Juniper Brush
- (13c) Mesquite-Juniper-Live Oak Brush
- (15) Mesquite-Blackbrush Brush
- (18) Mesquite-Saltcedar Brush / Woods
- (19) Mesquite-Hackberry Brush / Woods
- (21) Havard Shin Oak-Mesquite Brush
- (22) Sandsage-Mesquite Brush
- (28) Havard Shin Oak Brush
- (32) Sandsage-Havard Shin Oak Brush
- (34) Juniper-Mixed Brush
- (37) Cottonwood-Hackberry-Saltcedar Brush / Woods
(10) Ceniza-Blackbrush-Creosotebush Brush
Associated Plants: Guajillo, lotebush, mesquite,
guayacan, Texas pricklypear,
paloverde, goatbush, yucca,
sotol, desert yaupon, catclaw,
kidneywood, allthorn, curly
mesquite, Texas grama, hairy
tridens, slim tridens, pink
pappusgrass, two-leaved
Distribution: Slopes of
the Rio Grande River Basin,
from near Langtry in Val
Verde County to near San
Ygnacio in Zapata County.
(11b) Mesquite Brush
Associated Plants: Narrow-leaf yucca, grassland
pricklypear, juniper, red
grama, Texas grama, sideoats
grama, hairy grama, purple
three-awn, Roemer three-awn,
buffalograss, red lovegrass,
gummy lovegrass, sand dropseed,
tobosa, western ragweed,
James rushpea, scurfpea,
wild buckwheat.
Distribution: Principally
in the Rolling Plains.
(12b) Mesquite-Lotebush Brush
(12a) Mesquite-Lotebush Shrub
Associated Plants (Rolling Plains): Yucca,
skunkbush sumac, agarito,
elbowbush, juniper, tasajillo,
cane bluestem, silver bluestem,
little bluestem, sand dropseed,
Texas grama, sideoats grama,
hairy grama, red grama,
tobosa, buffalograss, Texas
wintergrass, purple three-awn,
Roemer three-awn, Engelmann
daisy, broom snakeweed,
Distribution: Northeastern
Trans-Pecos, northwestern
Edwards Plateau, Rolling
Plains and western Cross
Timbers and Prairies.
(13b) Mesquite-Juniper Brush
(13c) Mesquite-Juniper-Live Oak Brush
(13a) Mesquite-Juniper Shrub
Associated Plants (Edwards Plateau): Lotebush,
shin oak, sumac, Texas pricklypear,
tasajillo, kidneywood, agarito,
redbud, yucca, Lindheimer
silktassel, sotol, catclaw,
Mexican persimmon, sideoats
grama, three-awn, Texas
grama, hairy grama, curly
mesquite, buffalograss,
hairy tridens.
Distribution: Chiefly on
mesas and hillsides of the
western Edwards Plateau.
(15) Mesquite-Blackbrush Brush
Associated Plants: Lotebush, ceniza, guajillo,
desert olive, allthorn,
whitebrush, bluewood, granjeno,
guayacan, leatherstem, Texas
pricklypear, tasajillo,
kidneywood, yucca, desert
yaupon, goatbush, purple
three-awn, pink pappusgrass,
hairy tridens, slim tridens,
hairy grama, mat euphorbia,
coldenia, dogweed, knotweed
leafflower, two-leaved senna.
Distribution: Principally
on shallow, gravelly or
loamy soils in the South
Texas Plains.
(18) Mesquite-Saltcedar Brush / Woods
Associated Plants (Trans-Pecos): Creosotebush,
cottonwood, desert willow,
giant reed, seepwillow,
common buttonbush, burrobrush,
whitethorn acacia, Australian
saltbush, fourwing saltbush,
lotebush, wolfberry, tasajillo,
guayacan, alkali sacaton,
Johnsongrass, saltgrass,
cattail, bushy bluestem,
chino grama, Mexican devil-weed.
Distribution: Ephemeral
drainages in the southern
High Plains, Rolling Plains
and portions of the Pecos
and Rio Grande River drainages
in the Trans-Pecos.
(19) Mesquite-Hackberry Brush / Woods
Associated Plants: Walnut, live oak, juniper,
lotebush, catclaw, woollybucket
bumelia, tasajillo, agarito,
whitebrush, switchgrass,
vine-mesquite, silver bluestem,
Johnsongrass, Lindheimer
muhly, western ragweed,
silverleaf nightshade.
Distribution: Canyon bottoms,
creeks and drainageways
in the Rolling Plains and
western Edwards Plateau.
(21) Havard Shin Oak-Mesquite Brush
Associated Plants: Sandsage, catclaw, yucca,
giant dropseed, sand dropseed,
Indiangrass, silver bluestem,
sand bluestem, little bluestem,
feather plume, Illinois
bundleflower, fox glove,
yellow evening primrose.
Distribution: Occurs primarily
on sandy soils in the western
Rolling Plains and southwestern
High Plains.
(22) Sandsage-Mesquite Brush
Associated Plants: Skunkbush sumac, Chickasaw
plum, catclaw, little bluestem,
sand bluestem, silver bluestem,
sand dropseed, red three-awn,
slickseed bean, sensitive
briar, wild blue indigo,
sandlily, spearleaf ground
cherry, wild buckwheat,
spinytooth gumweed, common
sunflower, spectacle pod,
hierba del pollo.
Distribution: Principally
on sandy uplands, Donley
and Collingsworth Counties,
Rolling Plains.
(28) Havard Shin Oak Brush
Associated Plants: Catclaw, bush morningglory,
southwest rabbitbrush, sandsage,
mesquite, hooded windmillgrass,
sand bluestem, big sandreed,
false buffalograss, spike
dropseed, giant dropseed,
mesa dropseed, narrowleaf
sandverbena, sweet sandverbena,
bull nettle, sand dune spurge,
prairie spurge, firewheel,
plains sunflower.
Distribution: Chiefly on
sandy soil in Andrews, Crane,
Ward and Winkler Counties.
(32) Sandsage-Havard Shin Oak Brush
Commonly Associated
Plants: Skunkbush
sumac, Chickawaw plum,
Indiangrass, switchgrass,
sand blue bluestem, sand
lovegrass, big sandreed,
sideoats grama, hairy
grama, sand dropseed,
sand paspalum, scurfpea,
scarletpea, slickseed
bean, wild blue indigo,
wild buckwheat, bush morningglory.
Distribution: Sandy
soils of the northwestern
High Plains and (Panhandle)
Rolling Plains.
(34) Juniper-Mixed Brush
Associated Plants: Red-berry juniper, one-seeded
juniper, tasajillo, catclaw,
skunkbush sumac, lotebush,
mesquite, Harvard shin oak,
mountain mahogany, yucca,
red grama, sideoats grama,
Texas grama, hairy grama,
red lovegrass, gummy lovegrass,
tumblegrass, buffalograss,
curly mesquite, tobosa,
western ragweed, bitterweed,
wild buckwheat, James rushpea.
Distribution: Occurs on
the Cap Rock Escarpment
of the High Plains.
(37) Cottonwood-Hackberry-Saltcedar Brush / Woods
Associated Plants: Lindheimer's black willow,
buttonbush, groundsel-tree,
rough-leaf dogwood, Panhandle
grape, heartleaf ampelopsis,
false climbing buckwheat,
cattail, switchgrass, prairie
cordgrass, salt grass, alkali
sacaton, spikesedge, horsetail,
bulrush, coarse sumpweed,
Maximilian sunflower.
Distribution: Principal
drainages within the Canadian
and Red River Basins.
Copies of the Vegetation Types of Texas maps are available for PDF download in the sizes indicated.