Presenter: Steve Hall
Commission Agenda Item No. 5
Target Range Program
August 2000
I. Discussion: The National Hunter Education and Target Range Programs were established in 1970 and 1972 respectively as a part of the Pittman-Robertson (P-R) Wildlife Restoration Act. This act provides for these programs, and the Department has historically set aside $100,000 for the target range program. The participants provide twenty-five percent (25%) of the total cost of the project with the grant funds providing the balance or seventy-five percent (75%). The funds are available to qualifying applicants from both private and governmental sectors who provide public use of their facilities.
The criteria for funding grant requests is the "Target Range Plan" which was approved by the Commission in March 1991 and is based on (1) population of county, (2) number of hunter education students certified in the county in the previous calendar year, (3) number of existing shooting facilities in the county, and (4) hunter days data in the county (Exhibit A).
II. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission authorizes the Executive Director to execute contracts funding the projects at Exhibit B and C pending availability of federal funds."
Attachments - 4
1. Exhibit
A - Target
Range Plan
2. Exhibit
B - Bexar County
Gun Club
3. Exhibit
C - South Plains
Gun Club
4. Exhibit D - Fiscal
Note (available upon request)
Agenda Item No. 5
Shooting Range Plan
Criteria and Rating Factors | Population of County | Point Range | |
I. | The extent to which the project will provide safe shooting facilities to the project area's population. (Current population estimate) | ||
Population of County: | over 1,000,000 500,000 - 1,000,000 250,000 - 499,999 50,000 - 249,999 1,000 - 49,999 |
40-50 30-40 20-30 10-20 1-10 | |
II. | The extent to which the project will provide educational facilities for the mandatory hunter education program. | ||
Number of students certified in the county in the previous calendar year. | over 1,000 501 - 1,000 101 - 500 51 - 100 0 - 50 |
20-25 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 | |
Add 5 bonus points for classroom facilities at range. | 0 or 5 | ||
III. | The extent to which the project will improve the geographic distribution
of shooting facilities in the service area or sponsor's jurisdiction.
Project provides first shooting facility in county. Project provides new and different shooting opportunities. Other safe shooting facilities are available in area. |
25 10-20 0-9 |
IV. | The extent to which the project will provide a safe shooting facility for
hunters coming into the project's service area for hunting.
(Based on hunter days data from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Fisheries and Wildlife Division) |
Upper 20% 2nd 20% 3rd 20% 4th 20% Lower 20% |
25 20 15 10 5 |
Agenda Item No. 5
Bexar County Gun Club
PROJECT SPONSOR: Bexar County Shooting Range – Vernon Winkelmann, Owner.
PROJECT: Improvement of the Bexar County Shooting Range
LOCATION: 15391 Bexar Bowling Road, Bexar County, Marion, Texas 78124
TYPE: Improvement of the range as a teaching facility.
DISCUSSION: The Bexar County Shooting Range owners request support in upgrading and improving their facility for the purpose of facilitating the Texas Parks and Wildlife hunter education home study program and for providing a greater variety of shooting opportunities for the public. The range has been in continuous operation by the present owners for over fourteen years and enjoys an excellent reputation as a family and youth-oriented place to shoot. For several years, they have hosted the 4 – H shooting sports meet for that area of the state. The local match will consist of donations of existing range facilities valued at $20,167.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Department funding of $60,500 in FY 2001 for project.
Agenda Item No. 5
South Plains Gun Club
PROJECT SPONSOR: South Plains Gun Club – Keith Jobe, Owner
PROJECT: Improvement of the South Plains Gun Club
LOCATION: 910 County Road 1300 in Lubbock County, Texas
TYPE: Improvement of the range as a teaching and shooting facility.
DISCUSSION: The South Plains Gun Club requests support in upgrading and improving its facility for the purpose of facilitating the Texas Parks and Wildlife hunter education home study program, the Texas Wildlife Association youth hunting program and also provide a greater variety of shooting opportunities for the public. The range enjoys an excellent reputation as a skeet and trap range and has hosted the Area II, 4-H shooting sports meet for several years. The local match will consist of donations of existing range facilities valued at $13,167.
RECOMMENDATION: Approve Department funding of $39,500 FY 2001 for project.
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