Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission
Public Hearing

August 2000 Commission Meeting

Committee and Public Hearing Synopsis Reports

ITEM 1: BRIEFING – Chairman’s Charges

ITEM 2: ACTION – Trap, Transport, and Transplant

Presenter: Dr. Jerry Cooke

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

This item seeks adoption of proposed changes to the regulations governing the trapping, transport, and transplantation of game animals and game birds.

The proposed changes include:

ITEM 3: ACTION – 2000-2001 Shrimp Management Proclamation

Presenter: Hal Osburn

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item is not eligible for consent agenda.

Staff will present the suite of proposed regulations concerning harvest of shrimp from Texas bays and the Texas Territorial Sea, and proposed increases to selected commercial fishing and business licenses to supplement management and enforcement of commercial fishing in Texas as published in the Texas Register on July 14, 2000 (25 TexReg 6666-6686). Since public comments will continue to be submitted to staff between the printing of this briefing document and the Committee meeting, staff will present an updated compilation of constituent comments at the August 30 meeting.

Summary of the proposed amendments as published in the Texas Register:

General Shrimping Rules

Shrimping In Outside Waters (Commercial and Recreational)

Shrimping In Inside Waters (Commercial and Recreational)

Shrimping In Inside Waters (Commercial and Recreational Bait Shrimping)

Shrimping In Inside Waters (Commercial and Recreational Bay Shrimping)

Spring Open Season

General Amendments

Addition of the following definitions to facilitate law enforcement and reduce confusion:

General measurement definitions to facilitate law enforcement and reduce confusion:

License Fee Increases

Staff will request permission to forward the proposed regulations to the Full Commission for consideration for adoption.

ITEM 4: ACTION – Threatened and Endangered Species Regulations

Presenter: John Herron

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

This item seeks adoption of proposed modifications to the Department’s lists of threatened and endangered species to be consistent with federal actions and commission policy. The item also amends existing regulations governing the possession and propagation of threatened and endangered species to eliminate conflicts and inconsistencies with respect to residents and nonresidents.

This item will:

ITEM 5: ACTION – Migratory Game Bird Proclamation – Late Season

Presenter: Vernon Bevill

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

This item apprises the committee of anticipated developments in the federal regulatory process and amends the Migratory Gamebird Proclamation to:


August 30, 2000

ITEM 1: BRIEFING – Chairman’s Charges

ITEM 2: ACTION – FY2001 Operating and Capital Budgets and Texas Parks and

Wildlife Investment Policy

Presenter: Suzy Whittenton

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item is not eligible for consent agenda.

This item will provide the Finance Committee with a financial review for the year to day FY2000:

- Focus on the sale of hunting and fishing licenses, boat registration and titling fees, and state park fees

- The investment policy will continue the current policy of direct investment of eligible funds and the emphasis on safety of principal and liquidity

- The Commission is required to readopt this policy, with or without modifications each year.

Note: This item will be mailed under separate cover prior to the meeting.

ITEM 3: ACTION – Grants

- Local Park Funding

- Boat Ramp Funding

- National Recreational Trail Fund Grants (Statewide)

- Target Range Program

Presenter: Tim Hogsett

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: These items could be eligible for consent agenda.

These items propose action to:

- Make grants from the Texas Recreation and Parks Account to Texas local governments for the acquisition and/or development of local park sites

- TPW received 47 applications requesting $17, 366,366 in matching fund assistance

- Make grants from the federal Sport Fish Restoration account to local governments for the development of new boat ramps

- TPW received 4 applications requesting $1,297,250 in matching fund assistance

- Bexar County Shooting Range $60,500

- South Plains Gun Club $39,500

ITEM 4: ACTION – TPW Facility Transfers

o Old Fort Parker

o Lubbock Lake Landmark

o Jim Hogg

o Grand Saline

Presenter: Walt Dabney

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

This item proposes action to effect the transfer of three Texas Parks and Wildlife facilities to other government entities for ownership and operation. It also proposes grant agreements from the Texas Recreation and Parks Account for improvements and short term operations subsidies as part of the transfers. Sites being proposed include:

- $407,608 improvements and operations fiscal year 2000

- $275,000 operations fiscal year 2001

- $160,400 repairs and improvements

- $497,450 improvements and repairs

- $81,250 operations

Also the Department will pay the City of Grand Saline $38,000 from State Park Account 064 to end the operations cost relationship at The Grand Saline Salt Palace.

ITEM 5: ACTION – Contract Dispute Resolution

Presenter: Judy Doran

ACTION: Committee consideration for presentation to full Commission in Public Hearing. This item is also located in the Public Hearing Synopsis report.

CONSENT: This item could be eligible for consent agenda.

This item proposes the adoption of rules establishing provisions for resolution for contract disputes, required by Government Code, Chapter 2260, Section 2260.05(2)c:

This item will:


Thursday, August 31, 2000




Staff: Jim Robertson


Staff: Ron George


ITEM 1: ACTION - Consent Agenda Items

ITEM 2: ACTION – Local Park Funding

Presenter: Tim Hogsett

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item proposes action to:

ITEM 3: ACTION – Boat Ramp Funding

Presenter: Tim Hogsett

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item proposes action to:

ITEM 4: ACTION – National Recreational Trail Fund Grants (Statewide)

Presenter: Andy Goldbloom

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item proposes action to:

ITEM 5: ACTION – Target Range Program

Presenter: Steve Hall

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item proposes action to:

- Bexar County Shooting Range $60,500

- South Plains Gun Club $39,500

ITEM 6: ACTION – Proposed 2000-2001 Shrimp Management Proclamation

Presenter: Hal Osburn

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

Staff will present to the Commission the suite of proposed regulations concerning harvest of shrimp from Texas bays and the Texas Territorial Sea, and proposed increases to selected commercial fishing and business licenses to supplement management and enforcement of commercial fishing in Texas as published in the Texas Register on July 14, 2000 (25 TexReg 6666-6686). Since public comments will continue to be submitted to staff between the printing of this briefing document and the Committee meeting, staff will present an updated compilation of constituent comments at the August 30 meeting.

Summary of the proposed amendments as published in the Texas Register:

General Shrimping Rules

Shrimping In Outside Waters (Commercial and Recreational)

Shrimping In Inside Waters (Commercial and Recreational)

Shrimping In Inside Waters (Commercial and Recreational Bait Shrimping)

Shrimping In Inside Waters (Commercial and Recreational Bay Shrimping)

Spring Open Season

General Amendments

Addition of the following definitions to facilitate law enforcement and reduce confusion:

General measurement definitions to facilitate law enforcement and reduce confusion:

License Fee Increases

ITEM 7: ACTION – Threatened and Endangered Species Regulations

Presenter: John Herron

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item seeks adoption of proposed modifications to the Department’s lists of threatened and endangered species to be consistent with federal actions and commission policy. The item also amends existing regulations governing the possession and propagation of threatened and endangered species to eliminate conflicts and inconsistencies with respect to residents and nonresidents.

This item will:

ITEM 8: ACTION – Trap, Transport, and Transplant

Presenter: Dr. Jerry Cooke

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item seeks adoption of proposed changes to the regulations governing the trapping, transport, and transplantation of game animals and game birds.

The proposed changes include:

ITEM 9: BRIEFING – 2000-2001 Statewide Hunting Forecast

Presenter: Dr. Jerry Cooke

ACTION: Commission review and discussion.

This item briefs the Commission on the status of game animal and game bird populations in the state. This item will:

ITEM 10: ACTION – Migratory Game Bird Proclamation – Late Season

Presenter: Vernon Bevill

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item apprises the Commission of anticipated developments in the federal regulatory process and amends the Migratory Gamebird Proclamation to:


Presenter: Ernie Gammage

ACTION: Commission review and discussion.

This item will provide an overview of the 2000 Texas Wildlife Expo to the Commission, including major activities and presentations.

ITEM 12: ACTION – FY01 Operating and Capital Budgets and Texas Parks and Wildlife Investment Policy

Presenter: Suzy Whittenton

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item will provide the Commission with a financial review for the year to day FY2000:

- Focus on the sale of hunting and fishing licenses, boat registration and titling fees, and state park fees

- Updated budget and expenditure information

- Appropriation, cash limits as well as program issues in budget development

- The investment policy will continue the current policy of direct investment of eligible funds and the emphasis on safety of principal and liquidity

- The Commission is required to readopt this policy, with or without modifications each year.

Note: This item will be mailed under separate cover prior to the meeting.

ITEM 13: ACTION – TPW Facility Transfers

Presenter: Walt Dabney

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item proposes action to effect the transfer of three Texas Parks and Wildlife facilities to other government entities for ownership and operation. It also proposes grant agreements from the Texas Recreation and Parks Account for improvements and short term operations subsidies as part of the transfers. Sites being proposed include:

- $407,608 improvements and operations fiscal year 2000

- $275,000 operations fiscal year 2001

- $160,400 repairs and improvements

- $497,450 improvements and repairs

- $81,250 operations

Also the Department will pay the City of Grand Saline $38,000 from State Park Account 064 to end the operations cost relationship at The Grand Saline Salt Palace.

ITEM 14: ACTION – Contract Dispute Resolution

Presenter: Judi Doran

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item proposes the adoption of rules establishing provisions for resolution for contract disputes, required by Government Code, Chapter 2260, Section 2260.05(2)c:

ITEM 15: ACTION – Land Acquisition – Brewster County

Presenter: Jack Bauer

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

Land acquisition of three inholding tracts totaling 1890 acres from 3 landowners within the Black Gap Wildlife Management Area is recommended to facilitate public use, access and provide high quality sheep habitat as part of a long-term facility improvement strategy:

ITEM 16: ACTION – Land Acquisition – Anderson County

Presenter: Jack Bauer

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

Land acquisition of 147 acres of high quality bottomland hardwood habitat as an addition to Big Lake Bottom WMA:

ITEM 17: ACTION – Property Partition – Anderson County (Big Lake Bottom WMA)

Presenter: Jack Bauer

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item recommends the Commission approval of a TPW request to the Office of the Attorney General to initiate the procedural steps for partitioning of property ownership of three tracts at Big Lake Bottom WMA. This action is recommended following approval by the Commission in June 1999 to purchase all remaining undivided interests from willing sellers. Few of these owners were interested in selling:

ITEM 18: ACTION – Land Donation – World Birding Center – Cameron County

Presenter: Gary Graham

ACTION: Commission consideration for adoption.

This item recommends the Commission approval for the acquisition of 4 parcels of land near the WBC’s visitor center in Mission:

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