Commission Agenda Item No. 2
Cindy Hancock
Approval of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Fiscal Year 2019
Internal Audit Plan
August 23, 2018
I. Executive Summary: Texas Government Code, Chapter 2102, Internal Auditing, Section 2102.008, Approval of Audit Plan and Audit Report, states, “The annual audit plan developed by the internal auditor must be approved by the state agency’s governing board or by the administrator of a state agency if the state agency does not have a governing board.
II. Discussion: The Office of Internal Audit requests the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission’s approval for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 audit projects listed in Exhibit A.
III. Recommendation: The staff recommends the Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission adopt the following motion:
"The Texas Parks and Wildlife Commission approves the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department FY 2019 Internal Audit Plan as listed in Exhibit A."
Commission Agenda Item No. 2
Exhibit A
TPWD FY 2019 Internal Audit Plan