
Grant Number, Project Title

E-1 Job 1: Endangered plant education | PDF

E-1 Job 2.3: Puzzle sunflower (Helianthus paradoxus) status report update | PDF

E-1 Job 3.1: Reproductive biology of Texas snowbells (Styrax texana) | PDF

E-1 Job 6.1: White bladderpod (Lesquerella pallida) management procedures | PDF

E-1 Job 10: Cactus trade and collection impact monitoring | PDF

E-1 Job 13: Habitat factors and reproductive biology of the ashy dogweed (Thymophylla tephroleuca) | PDF

E-1 Job 14: Propagation, genetic constitution, and reintroduction of the Hinckley oak (Quercus hinckleyi) | PDF

E-1 Job 30: A study of the reproductive biology of the Tobusch fishhook cactus (Ancistrocactus tobuschii) | PDF

E-1 Job 35: Managing and monitoring rare and endangered plants on highway right-of-ways in Texas | PDF

E-1 Job 38: Continued maintenance, reintroduction and research on Texas wildrice (Zizania texana) | PDF

E-1 Job 42: Inventory of the Texas trailing phlox (Phlox nivalis ssp. texensis), with emphasis on management concerns | PDF

E-1 Job 44: Large-fruited sand verbena (Abronia macrocarpa) monitoring and management study PDF

E-1 Job 50: Site characteristics and management of Johnston's frankenia (Frankenia johnstonii) | PDF

E-1 Job 51: Plant surveys on the Lower Rio Grande national wildlife refuges | PDF

E-1 Job 56: The effects of herbivory, competition, and environmental heterogeneity on a rare Central Texas annual plant, bracted twistflower (Streptanthus bracteatus) | PDF

E-1 Job 60: Management of the puzzle sunflower (Helianthus paradoxus) | PDF

E-1 Job 66: The effects of disturbance on the ashy dogweed (Thymophylla tephroleuca) and the prostrate milkweed (Asclepias prostrata) | PDF

E-1 Job 67: Status update of Tobusch fishhook cactus (Ancistrocactus tobuschii) | PDF

E-1 Job 69: Taxonomic status and identification of potential, occupied, and unsuitable habitat for rough-stemmed aster (Aster puniceus var. scabricaulis) | PDF

E-1 Job 83: The effects of an invasive exotic grass species, Kleberg bluestem Dichanthium annulatum (Forsk.) Staph on the endangered slender rush-pea Hoffmannseggia tenella Tharp and Williams | PDF

E-1 Job 84: Setting monumentation points for location of wildrice | PDF

E-1 Job 86: Rare plants, birds and mammals in the Trans-Pecos ecoregion of Western Texas | PDF

E-1 WER62: Map historical distribution of Texas wildrice (Zizania texana) 1989 to 1999 | PDF

E-1 WER70: Development of digital geologic data for spatial analyses of Houston toad and Navasota ladies’-tresses habitat | PDF
Additional Data | ZIP

E-1 WER71: Guide to the rare plants of Texas, including listed, candidate, and species of concern | PDF

E-10: The conservation of Johnston's frankenia (Frankenia johnstonii): annual monitoring, a requirement of delisting | PDF

E-11: Large-fruited sand verbena landowner technical assistance PDF

E-13: Annual monitoring of Tobusch fishhook cactus (Ancistrocactus tobuschii) to address the requirement of possible delisting and an assessment of the threat of Gerstaeckeria sp. nov., a cactus weevil | PDF
Additional Data | ZIP

E-16: Status survey of dwarf pipewort (Eriocaulon kornickianum) in Texas | PDF

E-28: Lower Rio Grande Valley candidate plant conservation agreement | PDF

E-28: Site Reports | PDF

E-34: Status, distribution, and conservation of three species of rare plants of the Lower Rio Grande in Mexico | PDF

E-45: Enhancement of a three-kilometer segment of the San Marcos River: elimination of the exotic plant Cryptocoryne beckettii | PDF

E-46: The research and recovery of star cactus (Astrophytum asterias) | PDF

E-56: Population structure and dynamics of the Navasota ladies'-tresses, an endangered orchid of East-central Texas | PDF

E-58: Protection on private lands and research for recovery of large-fruited sand verbena PDF

E-82: A preliminary assessment of the genetic status of the bracted twistflower, Streptanthus bracteatus (Brassicaceae), an imperiled species of the Balcones Canyonlands | PDF

E-89: An assessment of the genetic status of the bracted twistflower, Streptanthus bracteatus (Brassicaceae), an imperiled species of the Balcones Canyonlands | PDF

E-92: Status assessment and ecological study of Styrax platinifolius ssp. texanus | PDF
Additional Data | ZIP

E-96: Habitat requirements of the bracted twistflower, Streptanthus bracteatus (Brassicaceae), a rare plant of Central Texas | PDF

E-110-R-1: Reproductive biology, genetics, and ecology of South Texas ambrosia: implications for the management, recovery, and reintroduction: Section 1 | PDF

E-110-R-2: Reproductive biology, genetics, and ecology of South Texas ambrosia: implications for the management, recovery, and reintroduction: Section 2 | PDF

E-112-R-1: Seedbanking the rare plants of Texas: year 1 | PDF
Appendix Two: Photos | ZIP

E-112-R-3: Seedbanking the rare plants of Texas: years 2 and 3 | PDF

E-113: Population biology, habitat description and delineation and conservation of Terlingua Creek cat's-eye (Cryptantha crassipes) | PDF

E-126: Ground monitoring of Johnston's frankenia (Frankenia johnstonii): a requirement of delisting | PDF

E-141: Bracted twistflower (Streptanthus bracteatus): ecological characterization and data base construction | PDF

E-146: Data synthesis and species assessments to aid in determining future candidate or listed status for plants from the US Fish and Wildlife Service lawsuit settlements | PDF

E-160: Conservation genetics and genomics, pollination biology and phenology of Cryptantha crassipes I. M. Johnst., Terngue Creek cat's-eye | PDF

E-161: Distinguishing the Neches River Rose Mallow (Hibiscus dasycalyx) from its congeners using genetic and niche modeling methods | PDF