The Vegetation Types of Texas


Photo of Yucca-Ocotillo Shrub; links to large photo.

(5) Yucca-Ocotillo Shrub

Commonly Associated Plants: Catclaw, whitethorn acacia, sotol, cholla, Torrey yucca, palmella, brickelbush, mesquite, javelina bush, beargrass, black grama, chino grama, fluffgrass, broom snakeweed, jimmyweed.
Distribution: Principally in the vicinity of the Chinati Mountains and surrounding the Solitario, Presidio, and Brewster Counties, Trans-Pecos.

Photo of Creosotebush-Tarbush Shrub; links to large photo.

(6) Creosotebush-Tarbush Shrub

Commonly Associated Plants: Range ratany, cholla, fourwing saltbush, sotol, mesquite, whitethorn acacia, catclaw, lechuguilla, chino grama, gyp grama, alkali sacaton, false nightshade, false broomweed, jimmyweed.
Distribution: Principally in Pecos and Reeves Counties, Trans-Pecos.

Photo of Creosotebush-Lechuguilla Shrub; links to large photo.

(7) Creosotebush-Lechuguilla Shrub

Commonly Associated Plants: Mesquite, yucca, lotebush, ocotillo, javelina bush, catclaw, whitethorn acacia, whitebrush, ceniza, allthorn, guayacan, pricklypear, pitaya, tasajillo, chino grama, black grama, fluffgrass, range ratany, skeletonleaf goldeneye, tarbush, mariola.
Distribution: Lower slopes and intermountain valleys of the Trans-Pecos, principally in Jeff Davis, Presidio, and Brewster Counties.

Photo of Creosotebush-Mesquite Shrub; links to large photo.

(8) Creosotebush-Mesquite Shrub

Commonly Associated Plants: Sotol, lechuguilla, catclaw, cholla, plains pricklypear, mormon tea, range ratany, desert sumac, plains bristlegrass, bush muhly, black grama, chino grama, fluffgrass, burrograss, mesa dropseed, purple three-awn, rough menodora, coldenia, mariiola, grassland croton, sickle-pod rushpea.
Distribution: Principally east of the Delaware Mountains in Culberson County, Trans-Pecos.

Photo of Fourwing Saltbush-Creosotebush Shrub; links to large photo.

(9) Fourwing Saltbush-Creosotebush Shrub

Commonly Associated Plants: Mesquite, saltcedar, tarbush, grassland pricklypear, tasajillo, alkali sacaton, Wright's sacaton, tobosa, black grama, mesa dropseed, purple three-awn, two-flowered trichloris, jimmyweed, broom snakeweed, James rushpea.
Distribution: Principally in washes and alluvium of the Pecos River, Reeves, Ward, and Crane Counties, Trans-Pecos.

Photo of Mesquite Shrub/Grassland; links to large photo.

(11a) Mesquite Shrub / Grassland

Commonly Associated Plants: Narrow-leaf yucca, tasajillo, juniper, grassland pricklypear, cholla, blue grama, hairy grama, purple three-awn, Roemer three-awn, buffalograss, little bluestem, western wheatgrass, Indiangrass, switchgrass, James rushpea, scurfpea, lemon scurfpea, sandlily, plains beebalm, scarlet gaura, yellow evening primrose, sandsage, wild buckwheat.
Distribution: High Plains, Rolling Plains and northwestern Edwards Plateau.

Photo of Mesquite Lotebush Shrub/Brush; links to large photo.

(12a) Mesquite-Lotebush Shrub /
(12b) Mesquite Lotebush Brush

Commonly Associated Plants (Rolling Plains): Yucca, skunkbush sumac, agarito, elbowbush, juniper, tasajillo, cane bluestem, silver bluestem, little bluestem, sand dropseed, Texas grama, sideoats grama, hairy grama, red grama, tobosa, buffalograss, Texas wintergrass, purple three-awn, Roemer three-awn, Engelmann daisy, broom snakeweed, bitterweed.
Distribution: Northeastern Trans-Pecos, northwestern Edwards Plateau, Rolling Plains and western Cross Timbers and Prairies.

Photo of Mesquite-Juniper Shrub / Mesquite-Juniper Brush / Live Oak Brush; links to large photo.

(13a) Mesquite-Juniper Shrub /
(13b) Mesquite-Juniper Brush
(13c) Mesquite-Juniper-Live Oak Brush

Commonly Associated Plants (Edwards Plateau): Lotebush, shin oak, sumac, Texas pricklypear, tasajillo, kidneywood, agarito, redbud, yucca, Lindheimer silktassel, sotol, catclaw, Mexican persimmon, sideoats grama, three-awn, Texas grama, hairy grama, curly mesquite, buffalograss, hairy tridens.
Distribution: Chiefly on mesas and hillsides of the western Edwards Plateau.

Photo of Mesquite-Sandsage Shrub; links to large photo.

(14) Mesquite-Sandsage Shrub

Commonly Associated Plants: Fourwing saltbush, palmella, mormon tea, sotol, sand dropseed, mesa dropseed, spike dropseed, blue grama, black grama, chino grama, broom snakeweed, devil's claw.
Distribution: Sandy soils of the western Trans-Pecos; principally in El Paso and Hudspeth Counties.

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