Extended Basic Hunter Ed Course and Workshops
The Extended Basic Hunter Ed and Workshops category covers a variety of offerings including
- Extended Basic Course for Hunter Ed certification
- Mentored Hunts
- Special Workshops (focusing on a particular type of hunting or unique skill)
The Extended Basic Hunter Ed Course includes more than 6 hours of classroom instruction and involves more content and activities than our Basic Hunter Ed or Enhanced Hunter Ed Courses. The fee for the Hunter Ed Certification is $15. Some instructors may apply additional charges for a class, such as range fees or facility fees, etc.
Pre-registration required. Check with the instructor for directions and any special instructions prior to going to class.
Both Basic and Extended Basic Classes are listed in the following schedule. Be sure to verify with the instructor that the class you are registering for is the Extended Basic Course.
Calendario de clases en Español
Classes for the Hearing Impaired
You may also contact your local Texas Parks and Wildlife Department office or call TPWD Austin headquarters at 1-800-792-1112, ext. 4999.
More questions? Check our FAQ page.