The Vegetation Types of Texas
- (30b) Post Oak Woods, Forest and Grassland Mosaic
- (30c) Post Oak Woods / Forest
- (31) Willow Oak-Water Oak-Blackgum Forest
- (36) Water Oak-Elm-Hackberry Forest
- (38) Pecan-Elm Forest
- (40) Ponderosa Pine-Douglas Fir Parks / Forest
- (42) Pine-Hardwood Forest (Loblolly Pine-Sweetgum)
- (42) Pine-Hardwood Forest (Shortleaf Pine-Post Oak-Southern Red Oak)
- (42) Pine-Hardwood Forest (Loblolly Pine-Post Oak)
- (42) Pine-Hardwood Forest (Longleaf Pine-Sandjack Oak)
(30a) Post Oak Parks / Woods
(30b) Post Oak Woods,
Forest and Grassland Mosaic
(30c) Post Oak Woods / Forest
Associated Plants (Post Oak Savannah): Blackjack
oak, eastern redcedar, mesquite,
black hickory, live oak,
sandjack oak, cedar elm,
hackberry, yaupon, poison
oak, American beautyberry,
hawthorn, supplejack, trumpet
creeper, dewberry, coral-berry,
little bluestem, silver
bluestem, sand lovegrass,
beaked panicum, three-awn,
spranglegrass, tickclover.
Distribution: Most apparent
on the sandy soils of the
Post Oak Savannah.
(31) Willow Oak-Water Oak-Blackgum Forest
Associated Plants: Beech, overcup oak, chestnut
oak, cherrybark oak, elm,
sweetgum, sycamore, southern
magnolia, white oak, black
willow, bald cypress, swamp
laurel oak, hawthorn, bush
palmetto, common elderberry,
southern arrowwood, poison
oak, supplejack, trumpet
creeper, crossvine, greenbriar,
blackberry, rhomboid copperleaf,
St. Andrew's Cross.
Distribution: Principally
in the lower flood plains
of the Sulphur, Neches,
Angelina, Trinity and Sabine
Rivers in the Pineywoods.
(36) Water Oak-Elm-Hackberry Forest
Associated Plants: Cedar
elm, American elm, willow
oak, southern red oak,
white oak, black willow,
cottonwood, red ash, sycamore,
pecan, bois d'arc, flowering
dogwood, dewberry, coral-berry,
dallisgrass, switchgrass,
rescuegrass, bermudagrass,
eastern gamagrass, Virginia
wildrye, Johnsongrass, giant
ragweed, yankeeweed, Leavenworth
Distribution: Occurs in
the upper flood plains of
the Sabine, Neches, Sulphur
and Trinity Rivers and tributaries.
(38) Pecan-Elm Forest
Associated Plants: American elm, cedar elm,
cottonwood, sycamore, black
willow, live oak, Carolina
ash, bald cypress, water
oak, hackberry, virgin's
bower, yaupon, greenbriar,
mustang grape, poison oak,
Johnsongrass, Virginia wildrye,
Canada wildrye, rescuegrass,
frostweed, western ragweed.
Distribution: Bottomlands
in the Brazos, Colorado,
Guadalupe, San Antonio,
and Frio River basins and
Gulf Coast Prairie reaches
of the San Bernard, Navidad
and Lavaca Rivers.
(40) Ponderosa Pine-Douglas Fir Parks / Forest
Associated Plants: Southwestern white pine,
bigtooth maple, alligator
juniper, Gambel's oak, chinkapin
oak, Emory oak, Texas madrone,
Apache plum, mountain mahogany,
Wright's silktassel, mountain
snow-berry, southwestern
chokecherry, Pringle needlegrass,
finestem needlegrass, pinyon
ricegrass, cliff muhly,
pine dropseed, largeleaf
oxalis, rock betony, trumpet
Distribution: Elevation
above 6,000 feet in the
mountains of the Trans-Pecos;
principally in Guadalupe
Mountains National Park.
(42) Pine-Hardwood Forest
Subtype 1: Loblolly Pine-Sweetgum
Associated Plants: Shortleaf
pine, water oak, white
oak, southern red oak,
winged elm, beech, blackgum,
magnolia, American beautyberry,
American hornbeam, flowering
dogwood, yaupon, hawthorn,
supplejack, Virginia creeper,
wax myrtle, red bay, sassafras,
southern arrowwood, poison
oak, greenbriar, blackberry.
Distribution: Occurs throughout
the Pineywoods.
(42) Pine-Hardwood Forest, Subtype 2
Subtype 2: Shortleaf Pine-Post Oak-Southern Red Oak
Associated Plants: Loblolly Pine, black hickory,
sandjack oak, flowering
dogwood, common persimmon,
sweetgum, sassafras, greenbriar,
yaupon, wax myrtle, American
beautyberry, hawthorn, supplejack,
winged elm, beaked panicum,
spranglegrass, Indiangrass,
switchgrass, three-awn,
bushclover, tickclover.
Distribution: Northeast
Texas counties of Bowie,
Red River, Lamar, Cass,
Camp, Titus, Frankilin,
Marion, Harrison, Upshur,
Gregg, Smith, Wood, and
Morris. Extends into southeastern
Pineywoods along deep sand
(42) Pine-Hardwood Forest, Subtype 3
Subtype 3: Loblolly Pine-Post Oak
Associated Plants: Black hickory, blackjack
oak, eastern redcedar, cedar
elm, hackberry, greenbriar,
yaupon, elbowbush, purpletop,
sand lovegrass, broomsedge
bluestem, little bluestem,
brownseed paspalum, bushclover,
tickclover, gay feather,
yellow neptunia, bitter
sneezeweed, velvet bundleflower.
Distribution: The "Lost
Pines" in Bastrop County
and westward of the pine
producing region of East
(42) Pine-Hardwood Forest, Subtype 4
Subtype 4: Longleaf Pine-Sandjack Oak
Associated Plants: Loblolly pine, shortleaf
pine, blackjack oak, sand
post oak, southern red oak,
flowering dogwood, sweetgum,
sassafras, American beautyberry,
wax myrtle, yaupon, hawthorn,
yellow jessamine, slender
bluestem, broomsedge bluestem,
little bluestem.
Distribution: Southeastern