The Vegetation Types of Texas
- (16) Mesquite-Granjeno Parks
- (20) Mesquite-Live Oak-Bluewood Parks
- (23) Oak-Mesquite-Juniper Parks / Woods
- (24) Live Oak-Mesquite Parks
- (25) Live Oak Woods / Parks
- (26a) Live Oak-Ashe Juniper Parks
- (26b) Live Oak-Mesquite-Ashe Juniper Parks
- (29) Gray Oak-Pinyon Pine-Alligator Juniper Parks / Woods
- (30a) Post Oak Parks / Woods
- (33) Ashe Juniper Parks / Woods
- (35) Elm-Hackberry Parks / Woods
- (40) Ponderosa Pine-Douglas Fir Parks / Forest
(16) Mesquite-Granjeno Parks
Associated Plants: Bluewood, lotebush, coyotillo,
guayacan, Texas colubrina,
tasajillo, Texas pricklypear,
Pan American balsamscale,
single-spike paspalum, hooded
windmillgrass, tanglehead,
Roemer three-awn, purple
three-awn, tumble lovegrass,
Lindheimer tephrosia, bullnettle,
croton, slender evolvulus,
Texas lantana, silverleaf
nightshade, firewheel.
Distribution: Principally
on sandy or loamy upland
soils in the South Texas
(20) Mesquite-Live Oak-Bluewood Parks
Associated Plants: Huisache, huisachillo, whitebrush,
granjeno, lotebush, Berlandier
wolfberry, blackbrush, desert
yaupon, Texas pricklypear,
woollybucket bumelia, tasajillo,
agarito, Mexican persimmon,
purple three-awn, Roemer
three-awn, pink pappusgrass,
Halls panicum, slimlobe
poppymallow, sensitive briar,
two-leaved senna, mat euphorbia.
Distribution: Primarily
in Uvalde, Medina and Bee
Counties, South Texas Plains.
(23) Oak-Mesquite-Juniper Parks / Woods
Associated Plants: Post oak, Ashe juniper,
shin oak, Texas oak, blackjack
oak, live oak, cedar elm,
agarito, soapberry, sumac,
hackberry, Texas pricklypear,
Mexican persimmon, purple
three-awn, hairy grama,
Texas grama, sideoats grama,
curly mesquite, Texas wintergrass.
Distribution: This type
occurs as associations or
as a mixture of individual
(woody) species stands on
uplands in the Cross Timbers
and Prairies.
(24) Live Oak-Mesquite Parks
Associated Plants: Post oak, blackjack oak,
cedar elm, black hickory,
whitebrush, agarito, Mexican
persimmon, woollybucket
bumelia, elbowbush, buffalograss,
curly mesquite, Texas grama,
sideoats grama, hairy grama,
little bluestem, Texas wintergrass,
purple three-awn, Indian
mallow, Texas bluebonnet,
Distribution: Primarily
on granitic soils of the
Edwards Plateau (Central
Mineral Region).
(25) Live Oak Woods / Parks
Associated Plants: Texas pricklypear, lime
pricklyash, greenbriar,
bushsunflower, tanglehead,
crikleawn, single-spike
paspalum, fringed signalgrass,
Lindheimer tephrosia, croton,
silverleaf nightshade, bull
nettle, Texas lantana, dayflower,
silverleaf sunflower, shrubby
Distribution: Principally
on sandy soils in Kenedy
and Brooks Counties, South
Texas Plains.
(26a) Live Oak-Ashe Juniper Parks
(26b) Live Oak-Mesquite-Ashe Juniper Parks
Associated Plants (Edwards Plateau): Texas
oak, shin oak, cedar elm,
netleaf hackberry, flameleaf
sumac, agarito, Mexican
persimmon, Texas pricklypear,
kidneywood, saw greenbriar,
Texas wintergrass, little
bluestem, curly mesquite,
Texas grama, Halls panicum,
purple three-awn, hairy
tridens, cedar sedge, two-leaved
senna, mat euphorbia, rabbit
Distribution: Chiefly on
level to gently rolling
uplands and ridge tops,
Edwards Plateau.
(29) Gray Oak-Pinyon Pine-Alligator Juniper Parks / Woods
Associated Plants: Emory oak, silverleaf oak,
Gambel's oak, mountain mahogany,
evergreen sumac, mountain
snow-berry, Texas madrone,
southwestern chokecherry,
bullgrass, Pringle needlegrass,
finestem needlegrass, pine
dropseed, sideoats grama,
blue grama, pine muhly,
pinyon ricegrass, largeleaf
oxalis, heartleaf groundcherry,
Torrey anthericum.
Distribution: From about
5,500 to 7,500 feet elevation
in the mountains of the
Trans-Pecos; principally
the Davis Mountains.
(30a) Post Oak Parks / Woods
(30b) Post Oak Woods, Forest and Grassland Mosaic
(30c) Post Oak Woods / Forest
Associated Plants (Post Oak Savannah): Blackjack
oak, eastern redcedar, mesquite,
black hickory, live oak,
sandjack oak, cedar elm,
hackberry, yaupon, poison
oak, American beautyberry,
hawthorn, supplejack, trumpet
creeper, dewberry, coral-berry,
little bluestem, silver
bluestem, sand lovegrass,
beaked panicum, three-awn,
spranglegrass, tickclover.
Distribution: Most apparent
on the sandy soils of the
Post Oak Savannah.
(33) Ashe Juniper Parks / Woods
Associated Plants: Live oak, Texas oak, cedar
elm, mesquite, agarito,
tasajillo, western ragweed,
scurfpea, little bluestem,
sideoats grama, Texas wintergrass,
silver bluestem, hairy tridens,
tumblegrass, red three-awn.
Distribution: Principally
on the slopes of hills in
Stephens and Palo Pinto
Counties, Cross Timbers
and Prairies.
(35) Elm-Hackberry Parks / Woods
Associated Plants: Mesquite, post oak, woollybucket
bumelia, honey locust, coral-berry,
pasture haw, elbowbush,
Texas pricklypear, tasajillo,
dewberry, silver bluestem,
buffalograss, western ragweed,
giant ragweed, goldenrod,
frostweed, ironweed, prairie
parsley, broom snakeweed.
Distribution: Occurs within
the Blackland Prairie, primarily
in Ellis, Navarro and Limestone
(40) Ponderosa Pine-Douglas Fir Parks / Forest
Associated Plants: Southwestern white pine,
bigtooth maple, alligator
juniper, Gambel's oak, chinkapin
oak, Emory oak, Texas madrone,
Apache plum, mountain mahogany,
Wright's silktassel, mountain
snow-berry, southwestern
chokecherry, Pringle needlegrass,
finestem needlegrass, pinyon
ricegrass, cliff muhly,
pine dropseed, largeleaf
oxalis, rock betony, trumpet
Distribution: Elevation
above 6,000 feet in the
mountains of the Trans-Pecos;
principally in Guadalupe
Mountains National Park.