The park sits on the northern edge of the Big Thicket, and just south of where the Angelina and Neches rivers meet. As a result, an extraordinary web of life exists here. You’ll see a wide variety of plants and animals in the park, in the water, and in the neighboring Angelina-Neches/Dam B Wildlife Management Area.
Unique blend of animals
A unique mix of animals lives in the lowland swamps and forest country.
You might see white-tailed deer, raccoons, Virginia opossums, nine-banded armadillos, and three different squirrel species. More rarely seen are red and gray foxes and bobcats.
When the sun sets during warmer months, 14 different species of bats take flight catching insects. Learn about some of the flying insects that live here.
The park sits on the bank of the vast and scenic B.A. Steinhagen Reservoir. Reptiles and amphibians inhabit the park’s numerous sloughs (creeks). The American alligator lives in all bodies of water in the park, as do a vast array of turtles. You’ll hear frogs singing at night.
Watch for skinks and lizards scurrying on the forest floor when you hike.
Many different species of snakes live in the park; most are non-venomous. However, five venomous snakes do live in the Pineywoods: Texas coral snake, southern copperhead, western cottonmouth, canebrake rattlesnake (a threatened species), and western pigmy rattlesnake.
Safety notes
Please stay on designated park trails to avoid meeting snakes.
Follow proper alligator etiquette so you and the alligator stay safe.
Bird haven
Martin Dies, Jr. State Park is located along the southern migration route for many bird species, and birders can check off rare species here.
Look for egrets, herons, anhinga and other waterfowl in the park and on the lake. In the summer, the American swallow-tailed kites entertain with their soaring acrobatics. Bald eagles also live around the lake in summer.
Listen for the unmistakable call of the pileated woodpecker as it glides through the treetops. Enjoy the soft chatter of the numerous other species of forest birds as you walk and paddle.
Forest plants
The park is in the heart of the forest country. Lofty loblolly, longleaf and shortleaf pines are abundant. Bald cypress trees dominate the sloughs and tower over the lake.
The mixed pine/hardwood forest contains more tree species than we can list. Many oak species such as white oak, swamp chestnut oak, water oak and southern red oak dot the landscape. Sweet gum and maples provide fall color against the backdrop of evergreens. Southern magnolia trees perfume the woods with large white blooms.
Look for American beautyberry, wax myrtle, yaupon holly and many more plants growing under the trees.
Download a free booklet on the Trees, Shrubs and Woody Vines, Martin Dies Jr. State Park. Take it with you on the 1.35-mile Forest Trail to learn about plants found in the park. You can also purchase a tree identification field guide at the park store.
Learn more:
The Angelina-Neches/Dam B Wildlife Management Area is next to Martin Dies, Jr. State Park. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and Texas Parks and Wildlife work together to manage the water and land resources of this wilderness.
With the proper permits, you can hunt, fish, camp, bike ride, hike and view wildlife at the WMA.