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Fishing 101: Safety For You & The Fish
Keep your fishing trips safe for you AND for the fish. Learn how to fish with Texas Parks and Wildlife's "Take Me Fishing 101" series for beginning anglers. For more information, including free fishing events in your area, visit

Fishing 101: Don't Mess with Texas Fish
Anglers from all over are attracted to the health and variety of Texas fish. Let's keep it that way! Learn how to fish with Texas Parks and Wildlife's "Take Me Fishing 101" series for beginning anglers. For more information, including free fishing events in your area, visit

Toyota Texas ShareLunker Program
Texas is a top destination for bass fishing, thanks in part to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Toyota ShareLunker program. Anglers who catch largemouth "lunker" bass weighing 13 pounds or more are encouraged to lend or donate the fish to Texas Parks and Wildlife for spawning to improve the quality of fish stocked in Texas waters. In this video, see how the program works, visit the Lunker Bunker and follow the Lunker Cam in action. For more information, visit

Catching White Bass on the Neches River
White bass move up river to spawn each spring, offering great fishing opportunities. Learn more about white bass in Texas at #whitebassrun #texasfishing From episode 3102

HIgh School Fishing Teams (School of Fish)
School of Fish The whistle blows, and the championship battle is underway. We’re not talking about Texas high school football, it’s the finals for high school fishing. The hottest sport to hit the south these days isn’t on the field, it’s in the water. Check out a profile on high school fishing.

Cooking Crappie with Tim Spice
Wild Game Cooking: Cooking Crappie Ok, so now you’ve got some crappie in the boat. It’s time to make ‘em into a tasty meal, frying style. Outdoor chef Tim Spice shows us how.

Trout Fishing, Guadalupe River Winter Stocking
Waiting for Winter Trout The annual winter stocking of rainbow trout in the Guadalupe River is a much anticipated event. Anglers line the banks and put on the waders for a chance to catch this fun little fish. For more information

Non-Gulf Shrimp Bait Can Harm Native Species
Imported bait can devastate! When used as bait, imported shrimp safe for human consumption can carry a virus—even when frozen—that can wipe out native shrimp, crab and crayfish. Learn more at

Alligator Gar Spawning at Lake Texoma, Texas
Watch as alligator gar spawn in Lake Texoma. The alligator gar is one of the largest freshwater fishes in North America. Individuals can live for many decades and grow to 300 pounds or more. These fish spawn in late spring when rain floods the backwaters and water temperatures rise above 68 degrees. During this time, gar tend to congregate in shallow water to lay their eggs in flooded vegetation. In years of low rainfall, they may not spawn at all. Learn more about the alligator gar at

Fishing Laguna Madre
Join the Islander Anglers, a saltwater and freshwater fishing club at Texas A&M Corpus Christi, as they go after black drum in the shallow waters of the upper Laguna Madre. Full Episode: Texas Parks and Wildlife Episode 26, Season 39, Program 3226 When to watch on Texas PBS stations: Join us on Facebook: Join us on Instagram: #texasfishing #texasoutdoors #outdoors #texas #fishing #lagunamadre

Video from the Field: Bass Spawning at the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center
The Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center is a hatchery and aquaria in Athens, Texas, 75 miles southeast of Dallas. Learn more about the Center at

Guadalupe Bass, Restoring a Texas Treasure
This is a story on the efforts to save the state fish of Texas, the Guadalupe Bass.

Now stocking rainbow trout!
Winter trout stocking starts today! 🎣 Find a fishing spot near you at #TexasFishing #BetterOutside #TexasParksAndWildlife #FishStocking #shorts #fishingshorts

Return of the Guadalupe Bass
Return of the Guadalupe Bass The official state fish, the Guadalupe Bass, has been restored to the South Llano River. Threatened by loss of habitat and hybridization with non-native, introduced Smallmouth Bass, the Guadalupe Bass was close to being wiped out. We’ll learn what happened and how biologists figured out how to restore the Texas native back to the South Llano River.

Fishing for Cats (Catfish That Is)
Fishing for Cats Catfish are the largest freshwater sport fish in Texas and are second only to bass in popularity among anglers. They are also quite popular on the dinner table, but for many, the fun is in getting them there. To find out more about fishing in Texas:

Striped Bass Production in Texas
Texas Parks and Wildlife biologists are catching striped bass to make more fish at Lake Livingston

Texas Bass Fishing
Texas Bass-Not only are largemouth bass the most popular game fish in Texas, but they seem to get bigger every year. The Micropterus salmoides hasn't flourished on its own. It's taken a lot of research and work to get bass where they are today. Hit a couple of the state's best bass lakes, Lake Fork east of Dallas, and Purtis Creek State Park Lake near Athens. Watch the Texas Parks & Wildlife PBS television show

Why are there so many BIG bass at O.H. Ivie?
O.H. Ivie has produced a record 39 largemouth bass weighing 13+ lbs. Here are some reasons why. See where the ShareLunkers are at #BiggerBetterBass #TexasFishing #ShareLunker

Carp and Buffalo Fishing Catch On
The once-maligned carp and buffalo are emerging as a sought-after sport fish. Anglers from around the world are traveling to Texas lakes just to catch them. This excerpt from the Texas Parks and Wildlife television show follows participants in an annual carp tournament held each spring in Austin. For stations and air times, visit

Fishing Guides at Lake Fork, Texas
The Guide Ever hear an angler say 'Man, I'd love to be a fishing guide'? It may sound like a fun, but it's really a lot of work. Brian Duplechain spends over 300 days a year on Lake Fork trying to hook his clients up with some of the lake's famous lunkers. Spend a day with Brian and see just what it takes to be a successful fishing guide. Watch the Texas Parks & Wildlife PBS television show, stations and air times at To find fishing spots, buy a license, and more, visit

Casting Call: The Neighborhood Fishing Program
Looking for a place in Texas to fish that's close and you know the fish will be biting? This story takes a look at the neighborhood fishing program, where year round Texas Parks and Wildlife stocks keeper size trout and catfish in city ponds and lakes. Check this website out for more information

Sea Center Fish Stocking
Sea Center Fish Stocking Sea Center Texas is the largest redfish hatchery in the world. Now biologists hope to replicate that success with spotted seatrout. Learn more about Sea Center Texas at

Fishing for Records
Fishing for Records Since 1971 the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has recognized fishing records of all kinds. Meet a man who holds a record number of records. Retired police officer Chuck Dewey has 238 (and counting) state freshwater fishing records. It’s really just another excuse for Chuck to go fishing. Find out about the Angler Recognition Program at:

Eat More Bass: Slot Limits Help Grow Bigger Fish
In this video produced by the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center, Alton Jones explains why slot limits are in place at select Texas lakes. The goal is to encourage the harvest of small bass in order to leave more food for the big ones so they can continue to grow and spawn and ultimately produce more trophy bass. Slot limit lakes include Lake Fork, Pinkston, Joe Pool, Walter E. Long, Georgetown, Bastrop, Bridgeport, Sweetwater, Davy Crockett, and Fayette County.