
The State of Flowing Water

Showing 1 - 6 of 6

State of Flowing Water: Living in Balance

How sustainable building practices can reduce water and energy needs in the future. Part 6/6 of "Texas: The State of Flowing Water"

State of Water: Water Futures

The State Water Plan is revised every 5 years to insure our water supply keeps pace with the rapidly growing Texas population. Conventional supply and conservation strategies may have to change as some debate how climate change will alter rainfall patterns in Texas. Part 5/6 of "Texas: The State of Flowing Water"

State of Flowing Water: Lifeline of the Bays

New legislation directs local stakeholders to cooperatively determine how much fresh water needs to be reserved for each of the Texas river and bay systems. Part 4/6 of "Texas: The State of Flowing Water"

State of Flowing Water: Reservoirs on the Side

A new method for building off-channel reservoirs may lessen negative impacts. Part 3/6 of "Texas: The State of Flowing Water"

State of Flowing Water: Refuge from a Reservoir

There is growing tension between urban growth and rural resources as the residents of East Texas try to help establish a National Wildlife Refuge where the City of Dallas wants to build another reservoir. Part 2/6 of "Texas: The State of Flowing Water"

State of Flowing Water: Keeping the Flow

Learn about the Texas Instream Flow Program targeting data collection on segments of 5 Texas rivers and the creation of first urban Paddling Trail in Arlington. Part 1/6 of "Texas: The State of Flowing Water"