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Essential Components for Wildlife

In order for wildlife to thrive there are 5 basic components that they require and that the habitat must provide.



Tricolored heron with fish

All animals need food.



Nothern Cardinal, male Javelinas drinking water

All animals need water.



dove in nest White-tailed deer doe and fawn in tall grass Male Northern Cardinal in tree

All animals need cover to travel, rest, breed, feed, and nest.



Pronghorn Quail

All animals need adequate space in a suitable arrangement to provide access to sufficient food and water, enough territory for mating and nesting, cover or shelter from weather and predators and the reduction tensions that can aggravate stress-related illnesses.


aerial view of woods, land and water Another aerial view of land, woods and water

The Arrangement of food, water, cover and space should allow animals the ability to fulfill their basic needs.